You are responsible for the final cleaning

Wed 07 Aug
SSN Drift/vaske-4407_fylskn

When you move out of your student accommodation, we want you to leave the premises the same way you found them: emptied for personal items and waste, and cleaned.

It is your responsibility to do the final cleaning of your unit before you move out

  • Two weeks before you move out, you will receive information with reminders regarding the important tasks you need to do in the event of cleaning and clearing.

  • Also, a reminder will be sent out two days before your moving day, where you need to confirm that you have completed all the tasks you are responsible for.

Are you not able to do the cleaning yourself?

Then you may order final cleaning from SSN. Book the appointment no later than three weeks before you move out, by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. See the price for final cleaning in the list below.

Find prices for final cleaning and see what may trigger a fee in the event of insufficient cleaning or clearing:

Fee for final cleaning Price
Complete cleaning of single unit with shared bathroom and kitchen NOK 2735
Complete cleaning of single unit with private bathroom and kitchen* NOK 2735*
Complete cleaning of single unit with private bathroom and shared kitchen NOK 2175
Complete cleaning of couples apartment NOK 3690
Complete cleaning of family apartment NOK 4200
Complete cleaning of extra dirty unit/apartment NOK 585
Disposal at recycling station The actual price for the disposal
Cleaning of oven NOK 600 per hour
Removal/return of furniture NOK 2000
Non-attendance at cleaning check NOK 295

*At Campus Rauland Student Housing, the price for cleaning a single unit with private kitchen and bathroom is equivalent to that of a couples apartment.

Step by step when planning the final cleaning:

  1. Order cleaning control (approval of the cleaning job) here in our contactform, or under "Your tenancy" on My page well in advance and no later than 14 days before the date your contract expires.

  2. The check-out control will take place on a weekday between 09.00 am -2.00 pm and on the date you decide, but no later than the last day of the contract. If the last day is Saturday or Sunday, the check-out control must be arranged no later than the Friday before.

  3. Follow our checklist for final cleaning and clean well.

  4. Then, your cleaning job must be checked and approved by the caretaker / cleaner at SSN (hence the check-out control). We go through your unit together, and agree on what is good and what may need to be improved.

  5. If something is not approved, you will have the opportunity to correct the errors as long as your contract is still valid. Then we agree on a new check-out control. You can request such a control twice in total. When your contract has expired, it is unfortunately not possible for you to clean again to get it approved, and you will receive a cleaning fee.


    🧼You must show up at the agreed time to be given the opportunity for a new check out control.
    There are often many rooms to be checked, and it is unfortunately not possible for SSN to spend time making new agreements with the same person.

    🧽If you are unable to show up due to illness or other unforeseen events, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can set up a new appointment.

    🪣If you don't show up for the check out control (without letting us know), this will trigger a fee. See the price list for the current price.

  7. Remember to "Report defects/errors" at your housing unit before you move out.

  8. Return your key at the SSN campus office or in one of our dropboxes. If you use dropbox: remember to send us a confirmation by e-mail that the key has been delivered.

Take me to the checklist

NB! Cleaning that is not approved will lead to fees

If it has not been properly cleaned or cleared and the cleaning job cannot be approved, SSN will carry out the necessary cleaning and/or removal of furniture and belongings, and you who move out will be invoiced for this in accordance with the current Price List.

As long as your contract is valid, you can request a new cleaning check if you are not approved the first time. A total of two cleaning checks can be performed.

Once your contract has expired, it is unfortunately not possible for you to clean again to get it approved, and you will receive a cleaning fee.

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