This needs to be done when moving out

Mon 31 Jul
Illustrasjonsbilder Even Lundefaret 2023/Porsgrunn/studenter_campus-porsgrunn-1511_phxtps

Here you will find the short version of what you need to do when you want to move out of your student housing.

Cross off the items on this check-list when you want to move out:

  1. Terminate the tenancy agreement via My page, the period of notice is three - 3 - months.

  2. Make sure all rent has been paid. You get an overview on My page.

  3. Report damages or errors on My page. You should do this when you send your termination. One of SSN's caretakers will come to check your unit 6 weeks before your contract expires (you will be notified at least two days before), to register any damage or deficiencies.

  4. Clean! You are responsible for the final cleaning of your unit. See the checklist for final cleaning.

  5. Book a cleaning control from SSN on My page.

  6. Return the key - When and where?

  7. Change your address - read more at Posten.

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