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Join the SSN's board?

Wed 03 Apr

Are you curious about whether a board position at SSN could be something for you? Check out what it entails!

The students have the majority of the board

The board is the highest governing body of the Welfare Organization for Students in Southeastern Norway (SSN) and is responsible for financial and strategic decisions for SSN.

The board normally serves for two years, with three members elected in odd-numbered years and two in even-numbered years. The entire board should not be replaced at once.

The board consists of five students (chairperson, vice chairperson, and three board members), two employees from USN and two employees from SSN. The students, in other words, have the majority.

The student representatives to the SSN board are elected by SDSN at the Semester Meeting (March 16-17, 2024). The vice chairperson and chairperson are also elected by SDSN.

  • As a member of the SSN board, as a student, you will have an important responsibility to make good decisions for the benefit of both current and future students.

  • You will be involved in decision-making processes at the highest level.

  • Many people may later in their careers be part of a board either as owners, managers, or employee representatives. This can provide you with valuable experience and knowledge of board work that you can take with you in your studies and professional life.

  • The positions of chairman and deputy chairman receive an honorarium. Board members receive a fee per board meeting they attend.

  • The chairperson has the overall responsibility and leads the board meetings when the board convenes. The agenda is put together by the CEO in collaboration with the chairman.

  • All representatives have the opportunity to bring up matters for consideration by the board, and the decisions made should be in the best interest of the students while also being economically viable for SSN.

  • The student representatives for the board are elected at a semester meeting organized by the Student Democracy in Southeast Norway (SDSN), and those who are elected have a great responsibility to prepare well and make good decisions for the benefit of the students. The positions are remunerated per board meeting for all participating board members. A fee is also paid for a specific number of hours of preparation per board meeting. There are five ordinary board meetings a year.

  • The chairperson also has a collaboration forum with the chairpersons of the other welfare organizations in Norway, and there is rotation in organizing monthly meetings (some in person and some on Teams).

  • Participation in two annual meetings with the Welfare Organization Council and the other welfare organizations for the chairman: One thematic meeting about student housing and one general annual welfare organization meeting. At the welfare organization meeting, the policies for the Welfare Organization Council to work on for the next 12 months are adopted, as well as the election of board members to the council.

  • You must be available for a minimum of five meetings and one seminar per year and ideally be available for two years as the position is for a two-year term (upon the board's resignation, the substitute will assume the position for the remainder of the term). A term of office runs from June 1 to May 31.

  • You can serve on the board for a maximum of two terms of office (i.e. four consecutive years).

  • You must be willing to contribute to creating a better everyday life for the students, both through initiatives that can have a quick effect and those that will benefit future students. Many of the decisions have a long-term perspective, and the choices you help make may not necessarily improve your own daily life.

  • You are a student at USN and have paid the semester fee.

  • You have the ability to engage with challenging and complex issues of various natures – although they may be heavy, they can also be very exciting.

  • You are available for six meetings and one seminar per year, ideally for a two-year term (when leaving the board, a substitute will take over the position for the remaining term).

  • You are able to consider multiple perspectives on a matter and actively seek knowledge to make difficult decisions.

You are welcome to take a look at SSN's board protocols to get an insight into the matters discussed (in Norwegian only).

If you have any questions about SSN's board, please feel free to contact us!

Read more:

Free course on board work!