We need each other. Look up!

Fri 07 Oct

World Mental Health Day is marked with waffles, coffee, good conversations and a live stream.

10 October is World Mental Health Day

2022 marks 30 years since World Mental Health Day was established on 10 October as an international UN day to promote mental health awareness worldwide. The day is marked in more than 150 countries, often to raise awareness of global social challenges in mental health. The marking takes place between weeks 39-42.

This year's theme for World Mental Health Day is "We need each other. Look up"

Loneliness and alienation are central challenges for Norwegian public health. We know that two years in crisis mode have not made things easier, and especially not for you who are students. Through the SHoT survey 2022, we learned that close to 40% of the students who participated felt lonely. This year's World Day theme is therefore topical, and the call to all of us is: Look up!

Read more about this year's theme.

"Conversation cards" with various questions can both help to get to know each other and to get the conversation started.

World Mental Health Day is marked at USN

World Day has been or will be marked on the USN campus with waffles, coffee and good conversation. SSN Health's therapists are on stand and also have "Conversation cards" with them - smart cards with questions that can help get the conversation started.

Feel free to check the Sørøst calendar to find a World Mental Health Day event on your campus or something else to join! How about asking someone you don't know very well to go out with you?

Live stream 10.10 at 8 pm

You can also follow the live stream on World Mental Health Day on 10 October at 8 pm. There will be good music and good conversations on Facebook and Youtube.

And hey - SSN's counselling service is free for you who are a student. We are here to help you, so get in touch if you need a professional to talk to.

The counselling service