Get every eighth barista coffee for free

Mon 18 Oct
Mat og drikke/Vaffel og ÅTTE/åtte-8486_k9thtz

With the Barista card, you get every eighth barista coffee for free. You get the card in the Student Sørøst app.

Do you use our cafes and love barista coffee?

Download the Student Sørøst app! When you scan your QR code with the cashier, you will automatically receive a Barista card in the app if you buy a barista coffee. The QR code can be found on the middle icon on the menu bar at the bottom of the app.

Remember to get your QR code scanned!

Remember to have your QR code scanned every time you buy barista coffee, and you will receive the eighth for free!

What is barista coffee?

Barista coffee is "specialty coffee" such as café au lait, cappuccino, espresso, frappe, coffee mocca, etc.
Barista coffee is sold in SSN's cafés: ÅTTE Kaffe og Bar in Kongsberg, Kafé Amfi on Campus Vestfold, Kafé Origo on Campus Porsgrunn and at Brage Bok og kaffe on Campus Drammen.

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