Goal: The Planet

Tue 28 Feb
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Goal: We will contribute actively to achieving society’s climate and environmental goals.

Targeted work

Climate change and loss of habitat are the greatest challenges of our time, and they are closely interrelated. A stable climate and biodiversity are absolutely fundamental for life on Earth and for achieving other sustainable development goals. The time window for bringing about this transformation is short, and SSN will be taking our share of the responsibility.

We will work in a targeted manner to reduce the climate and environmental impact associated with our operations, and we will use our influence to generate positive changes among students and in society around us.

Intermediate goals:

  1. We will consume resources in a responsible and circular manner and contribute towards nature conservation.

  2. We will raise awareness and encourage students to establish green habits.

  3. We will maintain a continuous overview of our own climate and environmental impact, as well as risks.

  4. We will cut greenhouse gas emissions in line with what is required to limit global warming to +1.5°C.