
Take a TimeOut!

By Maja Georgine Gulliksen 13. Dec 2021

Have you noticed a meditating student brain on campus or in social media? If so, you have probably seen the TimeOut logo.

Time Out's logo is the charming mascot "Brian the student brain", created by Karolina Linkyte, student in Visual Communication at Campus Drammen.

Being a student means there is always a lot that needs to be done. Much time is spent attending lectures, writing assignments, and cramming for tests. It is easy to forget to take a break – or a TimeOut – sometimes.

What and who is TimeOut?

TimeOut is a group of students who work through SSN with planning and arranging events for other students on all USN campuses. These are people who know what it is like to be a student today, because they are all students themselves, and whose goal is to create a good environment for everyone.

Timeout - social

Karla Yasmin Mata Santos and Norbert Timar during one of this summer's events in Drammen.
Photo: Mac Pragit Svendsen.

SSN + funds from KD = TimeOut :)

In March 2021, all the Norwegian student welfare organisations received a total of NOK 78.5 million from the Ministry of Education (KD) to employ students to initiate social initiatives.

SSN spends its allocated funds on TimeOut, which has become a small company in itself, with as many as 33 employees! In addition, SSN collaborates with DigiPluss, a student company that also creates (digital) activities for students.

Find events that suit you

It is very likely that you will find events that suit you. Among this summer’s events were pizza at Peppes Pizza, a hiking trip to Preikestolen, role-play evenings, cabin trips, a paintball tournament, beach days, movie nights, a photography course, and much more.

TimeOut representatives are present on all USN campuses and come from many different fields of study. In addition to physical events, TimeOut also offer a variety of digital ones – how about incorporating a digital quiz night into your study week, or perhaps a cooking course tailored specifically to a student budget?

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Jessica Østerberg makes sure that stable blood sugar is maintained during an event in Drammen.
Photo: Karolina Linkyte.

Follow TimeOut on social media and see activities in the Sørøst calendar

If you follow TimeOut on social media, you will meet a group of students who create content especially for you as a student. You can always count on them for good tips, tricks, and recommendations.

TimeOuts events and many more can be found in the brand new Sørøst calendar! You can also find this in the Student Sørøst app.

Studiestart - tips for new students

"Study start tips for new students" is typical content shared byTimeOut in SoMe. Follow @TimeOut.USN on Instagram or Facebook!

Maja Georgine Gulliksen

Master student in European languages, UiO

Maja Georgine Gulliksen has her Bachelor in Language and literature from the University of South-Eastern Norway, campus Vestfold. She has worked as a student mentor and learning facilitator at USN, and content creator in TimeOut for SSN. Maja is now working on her master’s degree in European language at the University of Oslo.