Binge drinking, everyday drinking and trying out drugs

Wed 04 May

For many people, student life can be a time for exploring, partying, changed drinking habits and trying out drugs.

It can be difficult to know where the line is between harmless fun and problematic use that can be harmful and lead to addiction.

- Am I inside or outside the limit?

If you are familiar with several of the points below, it might be a good idea to think about it and consider whether you should change your consumption:

1. It happens more frequently than before

You notice there’s a change in how frequently you drink or try drugs and that this may for example take place in new and different situations than previously.

2. I can handle more than before

You notice that you need a greater amount than before to achieve the same effect.

3. I lose control

You lose track of your consumption as the night goes on and are unable to stop. It quickly becomes more than what you had intended. There have also been cases where it has been impossible for you to remember what happened the previous night.

4. I do things I regret

Your personality changes and you act in a way you regret. You find it difficult to change this.

5. I give less priority to other things

Alcohol or drugs take up more space in your life than before. More time is spent on this and you give less priority to things you liked to do before.

6. I feel I need it

Alcohol or drugs have become a part of your way of coping with things. You may for example use it to relax, to manage difficult emotions, to concentrate better or to fall asleep.

7. It affects my health

You notice that things are more difficult in the period after you have been drinking or using drugs. You may for example notice that you feel fragile, feel more restless or that you generally have a hard time mentally.

8. I’m worried about my own consumption

You have a feeling of guilt or a bad conscience due to drinking or using drugs.

9. It leads to consequences

There have been times when you have been unable to do things you were supposed to do because of drinking or drug use. This may for example have affected schoolwork, work, housework at home or other responsibilities.

10. Others are noticing

A relative or friend has been concerned about your use of alcohol or drugs and indicated that you maybe should reduce your consumption.

Talk to someone!

Talk with a friend, a family member or with a psychologist/therapist on campus.

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