Fadder week - Quiz & Karaoke

Starting week day 2! Now its time for quiz and karaoke! You'll compete as teams. Show up with a group of friends, or we'll find a team for you. PS: The quiz will be in both Norwegian and English. After the quiz the stage will be open for anyone who wants to belt out a song for us all to enjoy.
The doors open: 18:00
The quiz starts: (published at a later date (check the facebook link))
Karaoke starts: After the quiz
The festival pass will give you access to all five events during the starting week, and can be bought via the ticket link on facebook. It will also be possible to buy individual access to the events, if we have enough space (more information on this will come later (check the facebook link)).
Remember ID! 18+


Tuesday 15. Aug, 18:00 -


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