Det er stor trafikk på sentralbordet, takk for tålmodigheten din!✌️ Har du leid studentbolig, men kom ikke inn på studiet? Du kan kansellere kontrakten innen 31. juli.

Do you want to go skiing with us? On Saturday we will go to Montebello Arena in Sande at 11 am. It's one hour drive from Bakkenteigen. No busses goes all the way, so we can only take as many as we have seats in the cars. If you don't have the equipments it takes to go skiing, BUA will lent it to you for free. Contact us if you need help with that. They close at 2 pm on Fridays, so you must pick it up by then. If you want to join us, you have to sign up here: information will be sent to those who sign up for the trip.


lørdag 18. feb, 11:00 -


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