Garden visit: Hortus Eikjabygda 🌱

Come visit the fascinating Hortus garden of Ronald Bruinvis in Eikjabygda with us! On the 5th of May Bruinvis is holding an open talk for us at USN, and on the 27th we'll get the chance to visit his garden and see in person how he has implemented and localized the concepts of the Hortus network to grow food and create spaces that attract an abundence of bio diversity!
Save the date, and be sure to sign up as there are limited spaces!
Sign up by sending Spire Bø a dm 🌱
See our events for more info on the talk on the 6th!
About Spire
Spire is an environment and development organization working for a fair and sustainable world. We want to see the large patterns and change the underlying causes of injustice, and our focus is therefore on the environment, food security, international trade, and sustainable city development. The Norwegian Development Fund is our parent organization. We are not connected to any political party.
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onsdag 5. jun, 17:00 -


Eikjabygda, Bø
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